
Saturday, October 24, 2009

Fruits Basket anime Vs. the Manga?

Just want to know from people who have watched and read it...Is the anime as good as the manga? My friends tell me it's not and I've never seen it.

Fruits Basket anime Vs. the Manga?
It certainly isn't....The main reason I say this is because the anime is unfinished and is not going to be continued. It leaves out a whole lot and ends with a big ol' hole in it was so obviously unfinished. The manga is way more fun and just has...more lol. Seriously, don't even waste your time with the anime. The only good thing I have to say about it is seeing it in action with music helped me feel the emotion more and made me cry (I love that) but that's something I can say about every anime adaptation.
Reply:i haven't read te manga, but the anime (though unfinished) was very good, it made me cry, laugh and say awwwww...
Reply:They're both great, so I don't know.
Reply:Well the anime is only a part of the manga, it was not a big hit so they stopped making the tv show. So the manga has the ending and basically I watched the anime first then finished reading the manga, witch I think is the best way to enjoy the story :D
Reply:Well the manga has more character than the anime. The anime and manga are equally awesome.
Reply:The anime is not too bad.. only that it has a bad resolution. It doesn't explain the unsolved mysteries that envelops the story. It also states that Akito is a man until the end of the series, so the story plot is a little disappointing. However, the humor and OST are good.

breast cyst

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