
Wednesday, October 21, 2009

How to apologize to grandma?

Alright so I gave her something for her birthday that she considered inappropriate, called her a few bad names, told her i wish she was dead, misplaced some of her stuff just for fun and I kind of want to apologize and make it look like I'm really sorry. Oh and fruit baskets are no good because there was this fruit incident when she was in the hospital and she didn't want to share some of her fruits with me because she knows how much I like them, especially peaches, I absolutely love them, so no fruits. She might remember that and I don't want to.

Maybe a card or some flowers? Any suggestions guys? Thanks!

have a nice day



How to apologize to grandma?
In my opinion, you need to do more than buy her stuff as an apology. Maybe spend time with her, take her shopping, cook her a meal, talk to her.
Reply:i think u need to GROW UP and appreciate your grandma. both of mine are dead and i would trade anything in the world to have them back. why not spend quality time with her rather than go out of your way to annoy her and give her a heart attack. please grow up.
Reply:lol interesting story..

but anyways i would probably hand-write an apology in a really nice card. I usually get my grandma something that she really likes, like jewlery, crystals, or something beach related. Does she have a collection of things? You can add to her collection and she will be really happy (hopefully).

Hope this helps :)
Reply:What a terrible relationship, how did this accure? Neway it is great that you wanna step up to the plate and realize the mistake u made. First remember u only have one grandma and how long do u think she is actually gonna be around? So i would just give her a card just admitting that u are sorry and that u love her and would love for u two to have a better relationship. treat her to a pedicure so while she relaxing she can realize that u are truly and dearly sorry.

Hope everything works out.
Reply:go an tell her how stupid u feel....u might end up laughing.

can't imagine doing that to my grandma
Reply:Wow. I would like a sincere apology when my kids misbehave. But I don't know how I would feel if I were in your grandma's shoes. I'd forgive you but really wouldn't want to be around someone that would keep hurting me.
Reply:This is one of the worst questions I've ever read. You must be grossly immature. "Kind of want to apologize?? .... make it SEEM like I'm sorry?" You don't deserve any real advice. She didn't have to give any of her fruit to you in the hospital either, what makes you entitled to it? Ridiculous! Go to the store and buy your own peach. You really turn me off.

super nanny

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